Endoscopy Managed Service with Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Value:  £13.8m
Overview:  Implementation of a Managed Service that would enable the department to benefit from £1.1m worth of new Endoscopy Equipment
Category:  (Endoscopy)

The Problem

Equipment within the department was ageing and subject to periods of failure. Procedures were often cancelled causing unnecessary stress to patients. The Trust needed to have access to new equipment but had no Capital funding available.

The Solution

Chrystal worked with our key suppliers and internal stakeholders to implement a Managed Service contract that has enabled the Trust to have access to the most up-to-date technology in terms of 290 scopes/stacks. We now have a rolling replacement programme that ensures we align with JAG requirements.


As new equipment has been made available, downtime has reduced and clinic waiting times have improved. This has had a positive impact to patients who had experienced cancelled appointments due to the lack of available equipment.